Fresh, Local, Family-Owned
Established 2004
- We have started catering services to several venues including our food items such as our various scones, cookies, pastries, pies, sandwiches, and drinks. If we can be of any service to you or your organization, please contact us at 405-880-5503 to discuss pricing and options.
- Contact us at the Store at 405-714-9478 if you have any questions or requests for orders.
- To ensure freshness — Orders are to be picked up at the store location: 502 South Husband Street Stillwater, Ok. only.
- Contact us for our Gluten-free options; we make a wide variety of gluten-free options such as cinnamon rolls, scones, cakes, pies, etc. The business phone and store phone numbers are located at the bottom of this page.
Located in Stillwater, OK
502 South Husband Street
Tuesday – Friday: 7am – 6pm
Saturday: 8am – 4pm
Store Phone 405-714-9478 (To Place Orders)